Please click the Sign Up button in the top right corner of the page to create a MedWorks Profile
FIll out the required fields to create an account & accept the TOS & PP
Once you have signed into your MedWorks Profile you will be brought to the MedWorks Corporate Health Solutions MicroStore
Add "Book an Appointment" to your cart and click "Checkout"
Fill out the "Additional Information" section with required information and select the requested serviced needed
Once the order has been placed you will see a notification stating "Your order has been placed."
MedWorks team will receive the Service Request along with the attached documents
MedWorks Team will drop the received documents into the companies respective Box folder
MedWorks team will send you an invite to access the Company's Box Folder
Please follow the Below Guide on how to access and setup your Box account
Once the Service Request has been completed and MedWorks will upload the results to the Company's respective box folder.
Updated over a year ago