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Account / Store Setup

This guide is provide insights on how the setup your MedWorks Micro Store

Updated over a week ago

Please log into MedWorks Service Provider Admin Dashboard.


Go to Account tab: Here you will 5 sub tabs (Account, Language, Preference, Billing , and Payment.

In order to set up your account, you need to work on only 3 tabs i.e. Account, Preference, and Payment.

Let’s Start with ACCOUNT:

Go to Account and Add all the information of your account

  • Add your profile name

  • Address

  • Logo Image*

  • Banner Image

  • Mobile Banner

  • Profile slug: Profile slug is the name that appears in URL for your Profile/Store. See how it looks

*If you leave it blank, the system will automatically pick up your Store name as the Profile slug.


Product Image (Photo to support the product catalog) – each image needs to be sized as such: 326 x 326 PX

Provider Top Banner FOR WEB: 1300 X 326 PX

Provider Top Banner FOR MOBILE: 460 X 230 PX

Logo: 1000 x 1000 PX (150 dpi)

Select Payment Method as (Stripe and Wallet)

Add Additional Information (This is for Medworks team and Vendor only)- Customers cannot review it.


There are 3 options:

  1. No serving restriction (This can be chosen if your services/products are available all over Canada)

  2. Mention a radius around the central location of your profile (This will pick the radius from your central location).

  3. Create Geofence/Boundaries (You can geofence area for both the options In-person/ Virtual)

Fig: Serving Area

Geofencing In-person/Virtual:

Select In-person from dropdown menu, click on Create geofence (3rd option) and then click on “CLICK HERE”

It will take you to this page

Click on “Add Geofence”

Add region Name

On map select the area

And click on Map region

Set the boundaries on Map, and then click on Save

For Virtual Geofence:

Follow the same steps as above, but select Virtual option on Service Area


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